A healthy vagina is a happy vagina

Keeping your vagina happy means keeping it healthy. Yes, you can catch STD’s which will affect your vagina, says Tara from London escorts, but there are many other ways to keep your vagina healthy. For instance, if you have a boyfriend with a very large penis, you may want to tell him that you need some extra lubrication. Just one top tip from London escorts at https://escortsinlondon.sx, but we girls have many other ideas as well, and the good news is that all of them are natural. After all, this is a very sensitive part of the body, and you do not want to cause any damage to sensitive tissues.


It is also a good idea to use a PH neutral lotion, or shower gel, in this area, says Tara. I know a couple of girls at London escorts who have used a lot of perfumed stuff and ended up with upsetting the delicate pH balance in the vagina. This can lead to all sort of trouble, and you don’t want that. One of the girls here at London escorts used talcum powder, and that caused her a rather serious irritation which took a long time to get rid off. It isn’t easy but it can be done.


Another good idea is take a probiotic treatment. I take probiotics all of the time, and I know that many other London escorts do the same thing. Yes, it helps to keep your vagina healthy but it is good for the rest of the body as well. A lot of the girls here at London escorts say that probiotics will help to keep you slim. I am sure that is probably true as they will help with digestion. If you have good digestion, you body will absorb nutrition better and you will end up eating less.


It has amazed me somewhat, but most London escorts that I know, are very fitness and health conscious. It is a good thing, and I think that all of us should try to take a leaf out of London escorts secret health bible. It could possible do all of us some good, and you will learn some interesting things a long the way. I am sure that a lot of young ladies would find our health tips easy to follow, and at the same time very interesting. It could be about time that we started our own fitness blog here at the agency.


I can think of lots of interesting things that we could put on our fitness blog. A couple of the girls here are really into exercising for better health, so they could talk about that. The girls who are really into healthy eating, could even talk about that and maybe share some of their favorite recipes. After all, health is a very broad topic and there are a lot of interesting subjects that could be covered. I am sure that we would be able to offer some unique ways of looking at health and fitness.

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