My boyfriend is one of the kinkiest guys I know. He has this thing about having sex with me when I am on my period. More worryingly, he loves to pretend that I am a virgin, and I am not sure that is right. We all get off on something, and I guess this is what he gets off on.
Mind you. He is not the only kinky guy that I have met in private life or at Basildon escorts from The last guy I dated was seriously into the Rocky Horror Picture and loved to wear a feather boa. At first, I thought it was a joke, but then I realized that he got off on wearing a feather boa. When I stayed over at his place, I realized that he had a complete selection of different feather boas in his wardrobe. What got to me was that he was not embarrassed about buying them neither. When we went shopping, he was always on the lookout for new ones.
I would not personally call myself kinky, so I am not sure why I end up with so many kinky boyfriends in my personal life and at Basildon escorts. They seem to be attracted to me, and they flock a little bit like birds to a bee. I must confess that there are times when I seriously worry about why I attract so many guys with fetishes. The other day I even reviewed my photos at Basildon escorts to see something about my image.
Fetishes seem to be more common, but I am not sure that is the case. It could be that we are just becoming happier to let our obsessions out to play. At least, that is what one of the girls at Basildon escorts say. The boyfriend who used to like to wear feathers boas noted that he used to worry about mad wearing them, but now he did not care anymore. He just wanted the way the feathers felt against his skin, and that was what turned him on. He was the least kinky out of all my boyfriends.
One of the guys at the date at Basildon escorts has got this thing about wearing a baseball cap when he has sex. I am not sure where he got this idea from, but in general, he seems to be fascinated by hats and has an extensive collection in his home. The other day, I came across some porn movies from the ’80s, and I noticed that many of the guys in the pornos wore baseball caps to obscure their faces. It would sort of fit in with his age group, I think. It is harmless, but I keep on wondering what his girlfriends say when he puts his baseball cap on to get into bed with them. I would certainly be at least a little bit taken back.